Example of real life usage of a MoboLINK
A MoboLINK on a real estate For Sale sign can enhance the efficiency of the advertising by making it possible for the passersby to read the link via human eyes from any distance (close or visibly far), then view full contents of the ad with their mobile devices comfortably right on the scene. And they can tell the MoboLINK to anyone via human practice, too! (Use voice or text and no code-reader is required.)
In real estate advertising (For Rent or For Sale; by owners or via brokers), a MoboLINK on a sign or in any printed media (newspapers, magazines, websites, etc), together with HOMESmarketing's MoboVIEW features, will let readers view full contents of the ad, right away and right on the scene, comfortably on their mobile devices. And they can easily share the MoboLINK to other people by voice or text, too! [Try this MoboLINK on your cellphone: ListB.com/SU102ListB.com/SU102 (as seen on the yellow background in the above sign).]
The MoboLINKs
HOMESmarketing's MoboLINKs are in this pattern:
where "ref-ID" is uniquely assigned by our advertising system when an ad is created. All MoboLINKs come with the following MoboVIEW features:
- All classified ads of our system can be viewed comfortably on mobile devices in regular font size without the need of zooming in and out or scrolling left and right.
- MoboVIEW and MoboLINK features come with our classified ad services at no extra cost.
- All MoboLINKs contain characters that are case-inSENsitive - write or read it however you like.
- Read it out via voice or share it in text with human practice:
- Read or text the link as you see it - they are just normal alphanumeric characters;
- No need to say "UPPER-case" or "lower-CASE" - case doesn't matter;
- Read the link from a far distance - as long as the characters are within vision;
- Share it the natural ways, no reading machines or tools required.
Get your unique MoboLINKs...
All classified ads of the HOMESmarketing system are MoboVIEW Features ready - And there is no extra cost to pay! Simply share a MoboLINK by all possible means and people seeing or receiving the link will be able to easily view full contents of the ad. Below are instructions in obtaining the unique MoboLINK of a classified ad by an advertiser:
- Post a classified ad on the system - either For Sale, For Rent or Product and Service ad. [Refer to "Help Topic# 301 - How to post a new ad" if needed.]
- For real estate ads - follow these steps:
- Open the ad on screen. [Refer to "Help Topic# 104 - How to search ads" if needed.]
- The MoboLINK of the ad is displayed at the top-right corner of the ad page - it looks either like "ListB.com/S###" (for sale ads) or like "ListB.com/R###" (for rent ads).
- To obtain a MoboLINK for all of your own real estate ads on the system, click on the link "View all ads of this advertiser" located at the top-right portion of the ad page.
- For Product & Service ads (the ad# has a prefix "B"), the MoboLINK of the ad is displayed at the bottom part of the ad page.
As a registered advertiser you are free to promote your MoboLINKs that are associated with an Ad Number or your User ID, in any advertising means - on signs, websites or digital messages, or on printed newspapers or magazines.
Related topics:
- To post your real estate ad on the system and get a unique MoboLINK for your property, visit: "POST / EDIT Ads".
- To take advantage of our one-fee unlimited advertising benefits, explore: "Advertisers Info Centre".
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